
Alternative Livelihoods for Chenchu tribes in Fringe Villages of Amrabad Tiger Reserve (PHF)

Climate Proofing Project- NABARD

Farmers Producer Companies (FPC) NABARD

Pastoral communities in the area are critically dependent on the forests for livelihoods (CFP & WASSAN)

Micro Enterprise Development Programme for Matured SHGs on Hand Embroidery (MEDP) NABARD

To ensure vaccination to all eligible persons of 3 PHCs (Sidhapur/Acchampet, Mannanur and Padra) of Nagarkurnool district

Other activities of CONARE

<p>Conare Laxmi Macts (Rural Women)<br> <p>Chaithanya vikas Macts (Urban Women)</p> <p>Education material support to school children</p> <p>COVID 19 service to affected families</p>